Weapon Mods

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Weapon Mods are one of four types of upgrades available, along with Grenade Mods, Perks and Relics. They can be obtained from Totems, the Shop and Chests. Weapon Mods upgrades are centered around increasing the base damage (additive) of your weapon

Here is a list of all Weapon Mods in V2003:


Shots bounce around and deal more damage after each bounce

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage) after each bounce (+1 bounce per level)
  • Tag: Bounce
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Pairs well with Aura Shot and piercing projectiles.
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage when aiming but less damage when hipfiring

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage) when aiming but reduced by 25% when hipfiring
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Functionally an inverse of Trick Shot
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal additional flat damage

  • Shots deal 4 additional flat damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Very good on low damage per bullet guns such as shotgun, shotgun pistol, and minigun
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots are larger and deal more damage but move more slowly

  • Shots are 50% larger and deal 50% more damage (+(?) damage) but move 15% more slowly
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Wind Up

Shots deal more damage for each shot fired until stopping fire

  • Damage increased by 2% for each shot fired until stopping fire (up to a max of 100 shots)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Very powerful with All You Can Eat, especially on high fire rate weapons. Capped at 100
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Boomerang Shot

Shots deal more damage and fly back towards you

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 0.25
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Ultra Shot

Chance to fire high damage bullets along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 10% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 16% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Pistols 12% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 16% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Burst Pistol 10% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Sniper 40% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Flamethrower 10% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Seagle 20% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 20% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Arcane Wand 30% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 20% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Blade Launcher 12% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Minigun 6% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 40% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Orb Launcher 8% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Crossbow 24% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Laser Cannons 4% chance to fire bullets dealing (?) damage along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Every fifth shot deals more damage

  • Damage increased by 250% (+(?) damage) on every fifth shot
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Time Bolt

Chance to fire bolts that deal damage over time along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire bolts dealing (?) damage over time along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Heavy Shot

Shots deal more damage but are heavier

  • Shots deal 50% more damage (+(?) damage) but are 15% heavier
  • Tag: Bounce. Requires item with the same tag to spawn
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Blind Fire

Shots deal more damage but spread is heavily increased

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage) but spread increased by 25%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Linear
  • Spread does not exist on Sniper, Rocket Launcher, Crossbow, or Burst Pistol
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage for each bullet remaining in the magazine

  • Damage increased by 2% for each bullet remaining in the magazine (up to a max of 100 bullets)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spiral Shot

Shots deal more damage but move in spiral patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Zig Zag Shot

Shots deal more damage but move in zig zag patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Damage increased by 50% per level
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Streak Shot

Shots deal more damage for each shot you hit in a row without missing

  • Damage increased by 5% for each shot you hit in a row without missing (up to a max of 100 shots in a row)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Snake Shot

Shots deal more damage but move in snakelike patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage but clip size is reduced

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage) but clip size reduced by 25%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Chaotic Shot

Shots deal more damage but move in random patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage but recoil is heavily increased

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage) but recoil is increased by 100%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Time Shot

Shots deal more damage but damage is dealt over time

  • Damage increased by 100% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Damage is dealt in an exponential decay over time
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Heavy Hitter

Shots deal more damage but fire rate is reduced

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage) but fire rate reduced by 10%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots stick to enemies and deal more damage but there is a short delay before damage is dealt

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Shot delay is one second long, pairs well with Aura Shot
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Trick Shot

Shots deal more damage when hipfiring but less damage when aiming

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage) when hipfiring but reduced by 25% when aiming
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage but orbit around you

  • Damage increased by 125% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 0.25
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire arcs of daggers along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 8% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Pistols 6% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 8% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Burst Pistol 5% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Sniper 20% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Flamethrower 5% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Seagle 10% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 10% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Arcane Wand 15% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 10% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Blade Launcher 6% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Minigun 3% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 20% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Orb Launcher 4% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Crossbow 12% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Laser Cannons 2% chance to fire arcs of daggers that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Fires 7 daggers per activation, each dagger deals 100 per level damage per tick
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Bubble Shot

Shots that hit enemies have a chance to spawn damaging bubbles nearby

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Shotguns 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Pistols 9% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Auto Shotgun 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Sniper 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Flamethrower 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Seagle 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Marksman Rifle 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Cluster Launcher 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Blade Launcher 9% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Minigun 4.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Rocket Launcher 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Orb Launcher 6% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Crossbow 18% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
Laser Cannons 3% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn bubbles that deal (?) damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire fireworks along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 8% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Pistols 6% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 8% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Burst Pistol 5% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Sniper 20% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Flamethrower 5% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Seagle 10% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 10% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Arcane Wand 15% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 10% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Blade Launcher 6% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Minigun 3% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 20% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Orb Launcher 4% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Crossbow 12% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
Laser Cannons 2% chance to fire fireworks dealing (?) damage along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spark Shot

Chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Shotguns 12% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Pistols 9% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Auto Shotgun 12% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Sniper 30% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Flamethrower 7.5% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Seagle 15% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Marksman Rifle 15% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Cluster Launcher 15% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Blade Launcher 9% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Minigun 4.5% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Rocket Launcher 30% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Orb Launcher 6% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Crossbow 18% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
Laser Cannons 3% chance for shots to create bursts of damaging sparks on impact that deal (?) damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Each activation makes 5-6 sparks
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage

  • Damage increased by 150% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Link Shot

Chance for shots to burst into 3 link shots on impact

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 6.25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Dual Shotguns 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Dual Pistols 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Auto Shotgun 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Burst Pistol 6.25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Sniper 25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Flamethrower 6.25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Seagle 12.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Marksman Rifle 12.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Arcane Wand 18.75% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Cluster Launcher 12.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Blade Launcher 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Minigun 3.75% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Rocket Launcher 25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Orb Launcher 5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Crossbow 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
Laser Cannons 2.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn link shots that deal (?) damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots are surrounded by auras that deal constant damage

  • Each aura deals 4 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Pairs well with Bouncing Shot, Glue Shot, and any high fire rate weapon.
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Piercing Wave

Chance to fire slow damaging waves along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 2.5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 4% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Pistols 3% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 4% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Burst Pistol 2.5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Sniper 10% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Flamethrower 2.5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Seagle 5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Arcane Wand 7.5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Blade Launcher 3% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Minigun 1.5% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 10% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Orb Launcher 2% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Crossbow 6% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Laser Cannons 1% chance to fire damaging waves that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Mace Shot

Chance to fire mace balls along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 6.25% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 10% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Pistols 7.5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 10% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Burst Pistol 6.25% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Sniper 25% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Flamethrower 6.25% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Seagle 12.5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 12.5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Arcane Wand 18.75% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 12.5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Blade Launcher 7.5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Minigun 3.75% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 25% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Orb Launcher 5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Crossbow 15% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Laser Cannons 2.5% chance to fire mace balls that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Fires 3 mace balls each time
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Drill Shot

Chance for shots to spawn damaging drills on impact

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 6.25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Shotguns 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Pistols 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Auto Shotgun 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Burst Pistol 6.25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Sniper 25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Flamethrower 6.25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Seagle 12.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Marksman Rifle 12.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Arcane Wand 18.75% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Cluster Launcher 12.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Blade Launcher 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Minigun 3.75% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Rocket Launcher 25% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Orb Launcher 5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Crossbow 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
Laser Cannons 2.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn drills that deal (?) damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire deadly shotgun blasts along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire shotgun blasts that deal (?) damage along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire homing thorns along with your shots that stick to enemies and deal damage over time

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire homing thorns that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Torpedo Shot

Chance to fire homing torpedos along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire homing torpedos that deal (?) damage along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Torpedo is a slow moving homing projectile
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spore Shot

Shots have a chance to grow explosive mushrooms from enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Dual Shotguns 12% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Dual Pistols 9% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Auto Shotgun 12% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Sniper 30% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Flamethrower 7.5% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Seagle 15% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Marksman Rifle 15% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Cluster Launcher 15% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Blade Launcher 9% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Minigun 4.5% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Rocket Launcher 30% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Orb Launcher 6% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Crossbow 18% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
Laser Cannons 3% chance for shots to grow mushrooms from enemies that deal (?) damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Sharpened Axe

Chance to fire spinning axes along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire spinning axes that deal (?) damage per second along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Fires three "axes" that deal 25 per level damage per tick, "axes" mean slightly bigger saw projectiles, from the weapon saw launcher
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Splash Damage

Shots deal splash damage to nearby enemies

  • Shots deal 10 splash damage to nearby enemies
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Bomb Shot

Shots that hit enemies have a chance to spawn clusters of bombs nearby

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Dual Shotguns 8% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Dual Pistols 6% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Auto Shotgun 8% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Burst Pistol 5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Sniper 20% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Flamethrower 5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Seagle 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Marksman Rifle 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Arcane Wand 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Cluster Launcher 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Blade Launcher 6% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Minigun 3% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Rocket Launcher 20% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Orb Launcher 4% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Crossbow 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
Laser Cannons 2% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn clusters of bombs that deal (?) damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots that hit enemies have a chance to spawn powerful missiles that seek out nearby enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Dual Shotguns 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Dual Pistols 9% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Auto Shotgun 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Sniper 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Flamethrower 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Seagle 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Marksman Rifle 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Cluster Launcher 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Blade Launcher 9% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Minigun 4.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Rocket Launcher 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Orb Launcher 6% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Crossbow 18% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
Laser Cannons 3% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn missiles that deal (?) damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire powerful triangle projectiles along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire triangle projectiles that deal (?) damage along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Homing Blades

Shots that hit enemies have a chance to spawn deadly blades that seek out nearby enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Shotguns 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Dual Pistols 9% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Auto Shotgun 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Sniper 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Flamethrower 7.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Seagle 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Marksman Rifle 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Cluster Launcher 15% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Blade Launcher 9% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Minigun 4.5% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Rocket Launcher 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Orb Launcher 6% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Crossbow 18% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
Laser Cannons 3% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn blades that deal (?) damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Landmine Shot

Chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines nearby

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Dual Shotguns 16% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Dual Pistols 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Auto Shotgun 16% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Burst Pistol 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Sniper 40% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Flamethrower 10% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Seagle 20% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Marksman Rifle 20% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Arcane Wand 30% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Cluster Launcher 20% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Blade Launcher 12% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Minigun 6% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Rocket Launcher 40% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Orb Launcher 8% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Crossbow 24% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
Laser Cannons 4% chance for shots that hit enemies to spawn landmines that deal (?) damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spike Strike

Shots cause spikes to erupt from the ground, damaging nearby enemies

  • Spike strikes deal 100 damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Reload Arc

Reloading fires an arc of powerful projectiles

  • Each projectile deals 100 damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Fires 7 projectiles in an arc like arc shot
  • Appears in skill and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Mag size increased

  • Mag size increased by 33%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Pairs well with Clip Shot.
  • Appears in skill and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Spread and recoil heavily reduced

  • Spread and recoil reduced by 25%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Near useless on slow firing weapons such as rocket launcher and sniper, as spread does not effect them.
  • Appears in skill and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Targeting Shot

Chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 20% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Dual Shotguns 32% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Dual Pistols 24% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Auto Shotgun 32% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Burst Pistol 20% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Sniper 80% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Flamethrower 20% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Seagle 40% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Marksman Rifle 40% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Arcane Wand 60% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Cluster Launcher 40% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Blade Launcher 24% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Minigun 12% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Rocket Launcher 80% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Orb Launcher 16% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Crossbow 48% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
Laser Cannons 8% chance for shots to target nearby enemies on impact
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Homing Shot

Chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 25% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Dual Shotguns 40% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Dual Pistols 30% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Auto Shotgun 40% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Burst Pistol 25% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Sniper 100% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Flamethrower 25% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Seagle 50% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Marksman Rifle 50% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Arcane Wand 75% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Cluster Launcher 50% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Blade Launcher 30% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Minigun 15% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Rocket Launcher 100% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Orb Launcher 20% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Crossbow 60% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
Laser Cannons 10% chance for shots to home towards nearby enemies
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Fire extra shots with increased spread

  • Fire 1 extra shots with increased spread
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Gain crystals when damaging enemies

  • Gain 4 crystals when damaging enemies
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in economy and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Arcane Shot

Shots apply arcane to enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 10% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Dual Shotguns 16% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Dual Pistols 12% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Auto Shotgun 16% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Burst Pistol 10% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Sniper 40% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Flamethrower 10% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Seagle 20% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Marksman Rifle 20% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Arcane Wand 30% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Cluster Launcher 20% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Blade Launcher 12% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Minigun 6% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Rocket Launcher 40% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Orb Launcher 8% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Crossbow 24% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
Laser Cannons 4% chance for shots to apply arcane to enemies
  • Tag: Arcane
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Lightning Shot

Shots shock enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance for shots to shock enemies
Dual Shotguns 8% chance for shots to shock enemies
Dual Pistols 6% chance for shots to shock enemies
Auto Shotgun 8% chance for shots to shock enemies
Burst Pistol 5% chance for shots to shock enemies
Sniper 20% chance for shots to shock enemies
Flamethrower 5% chance for shots to shock enemies
Seagle 10% chance for shots to shock enemies
Marksman Rifle 10% chance for shots to shock enemies
Arcane Wand 15% chance for shots to shock enemies
Cluster Launcher 10% chance for shots to shock enemies
Blade Launcher 6% chance for shots to shock enemies
Minigun 3% chance for shots to shock enemies
Rocket Launcher 20% chance for shots to shock enemies
Orb Launcher 4% chance for shots to shock enemies
Crossbow 12% chance for shots to shock enemies
Laser Cannons 2% chance for shots to shock enemies
  • Tag: Lightning
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Poison Shot

Shots poison enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 10% chance for shots to poison enemies
Dual Shotguns 16% chance for shots to poison enemies
Dual Pistols 12% chance for shots to poison enemies
Auto Shotgun 16% chance for shots to poison enemies
Burst Pistol 10% chance for shots to poison enemies
Sniper 40% chance for shots to poison enemies
Flamethrower 10% chance for shots to poison enemies
Seagle 20% chance for shots to poison enemies
Marksman Rifle 20% chance for shots to poison enemies
Arcane Wand 30% chance for shots to poison enemies
Cluster Launcher 20% chance for shots to poison enemies
Blade Launcher 12% chance for shots to poison enemies
Minigun 6% chance for shots to poison enemies
Rocket Launcher 40% chance for shots to poison enemies
Orb Launcher 8% chance for shots to poison enemies
Crossbow 24% chance for shots to poison enemies
Laser Cannons 4% chance for shots to poison enemies
  • Tag: Poison
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots burn enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance for shots to burn enemies
Dual Shotguns 8% chance for shots to burn enemies
Dual Pistols 6% chance for shots to burn enemies
Auto Shotgun 8% chance for shots to burn enemies
Burst Pistol 5% chance for shots to burn enemies
Sniper 20% chance for shots to burn enemies
Flamethrower 5% chance for shots to burn enemies
Seagle 10% chance for shots to burn enemies
Marksman Rifle 10% chance for shots to burn enemies
Arcane Wand 15% chance for shots to burn enemies
Cluster Launcher 10% chance for shots to burn enemies
Blade Launcher 6% chance for shots to burn enemies
Minigun 3% chance for shots to burn enemies
Rocket Launcher 20% chance for shots to burn enemies
Orb Launcher 4% chance for shots to burn enemies
Crossbow 12% chance for shots to burn enemies
Laser Cannons 2% chance for shots to burn enemies
  • Tag: Fire
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Ice Shot

Shots freeze enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 2.5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Dual Shotguns 4% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Dual Pistols 3% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Auto Shotgun 4% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Burst Pistol 2.5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Sniper 10% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Flamethrower 2.5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Seagle 5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Marksman Rifle 5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Arcane Wand 7.5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Cluster Launcher 5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Blade Launcher 3% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Minigun 1.5% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Rocket Launcher 10% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Orb Launcher 2% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Crossbow 6% chance for shots to freeze enemies
Laser Cannons 1% chance for shots to freeze enemies
  • Tag: Ice
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots apply random debuffs to enemies

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Dual Shotguns 8% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Dual Pistols 6% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Auto Shotgun 8% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Burst Pistol 5% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Sniper 20% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Flamethrower 5% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Seagle 10% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Marksman Rifle 10% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Arcane Wand 15% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Cluster Launcher 10% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Blade Launcher 6% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Minigun 3% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Rocket Launcher 20% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Orb Launcher 4% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Crossbow 12% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
Laser Cannons 2% chance for shots to apply random debuffs to enemies
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire close range AOE blasts along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 5% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 8% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Dual Pistols 6% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 8% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Burst Pistol 5% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Sniper 20% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Flamethrower 5% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Seagle 10% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 10% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Arcane Wand 15% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 10% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Blade Launcher 6% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Minigun 3% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 20% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Orb Launcher 4% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Crossbow 12% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
Laser Cannons 2% chance to fire close range AOE blasts that deal (?) damage and apply 200 arcane debuff stacks per second along with your shots
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Fires 3 individual blasts in a sort of arc in front of you with each activation. Each ones does 150 damage per tick
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Ice Strike

Shots bring down ice strikes that damage and freeze nearby enemies

  • Ice strikes deal 100 damage and apply (?) ice stacks
  • Tag: Ice
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Fire Storm

Shots create fiery storms that deal damage over time

  • Fire storms deal 100 damage and apply (?) fire stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Fire
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Ice Storm

Shots create icy storms that deal damage over time

  • Ice storms deal 100 damage and apply (?) ice stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Ice
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Fire Strike

Shots bring down powerful fire strikes that damage and burn nearby enemies

  • Fire strikes deal 100 damage and apply (?) fire stacks
  • Tag: Fire
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 5 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Lightning Strike

Shots bring down lightning strikes that damage and shock nearby enemies

  • Lightning strikes deal 100 damage and apply (?) lightning stacks
  • Tag: Lightning
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Poison Strike

Shots bring down poison strikes that damage and poison nearby enemies

  • Poison strikes deal 100 damage and apply (?) poison stacks
  • Tag: Poison
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Lightning Storm

Shots create electric storms that deal damage over time

  • Lightning storms deal 100 damage and apply (?) lightning stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Lightning
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 5 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Fireball Shot

Chance to fire fireballs along with your shots

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Sniper 30% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Seagle 15% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Crossbow 18% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire fireballs that deal (?) damage and apply 100 fire debuff stacks along with your shots
  • Tag: Fire
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Poison Storm

Shots create poisonous storms that deal damage over time

  • Poison storms deal 100 damage and apply (?) poison stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Poison
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Health Shot

Heal when damaging enemies

  • Heal 3 health when damaging enemies
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Appears in health and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Fast Shot

Shots are faster and are less affected by gravity

  • Shots are 25% faster and lighter
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in speed and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Fire rate reduced by 33% but increases with each shot fired until stopping fire

  • Fire rate reduced by 33% but increases by 1% with each shot fired until stopping fire
  • Spawn weight: 0.25
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in speed and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Light Shot

Fire rate increased but shots deal less damage

  • Fire rate increased by 15% but shots deal 15% less damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in speed and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots deal more damage when airborne

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage) when airborne
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in speed and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Accelerating Shot

Shots deal more damage but start slow and accelerate over time

  • Damage increased by 100% (+(?) damage)
  • Tag: Bounce. Requires item with the same tag to spawn
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in speed and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Rapid Fire

Fire rate increased

  • Fire rate increased by 10%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Functionally identical to Supercharged, but worse
  • Appears in speed and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Fire rate increased

  • Fire rate increased by 25%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Functionally identical to Rapid Fire, but better
  • Appears in speed, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Increased damage, fire rate and reload speed

  • Damage, fire rate and reload speed increased by 15%
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in speed, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Shots pierce through enemies

  • Shots pierce through 1 enemies
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in speed, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Chance to fire in an arc shot formation

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 12.5% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Dual Shotguns 20% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Dual Pistols 15% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Auto Shotgun 20% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Burst Pistol 12.5% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Sniper 50% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Flamethrower 12.5% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Seagle 25% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Marksman Rifle 25% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Arcane Wand 37.5% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Cluster Launcher 25% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Blade Launcher 15% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Minigun 7.5% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Rocket Launcher 50% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Orb Launcher 10% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Crossbow 30% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
Laser Cannons 5% chance to fire in an arc shot formation
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Does not scale linearly
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance to fire in a triple shot formation

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 17.5% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Dual Shotguns 28% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Dual Pistols 21% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Auto Shotgun 28% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Burst Pistol 17.5% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Sniper 70% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Flamethrower 17.5% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Seagle 35% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Marksman Rifle 35% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Arcane Wand 52.5% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Cluster Launcher 35% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Blade Launcher 21% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Minigun 10.5% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Rocket Launcher 70% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Orb Launcher 14% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Crossbow 42% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
Laser Cannons 7% chance to fire in a triple shot formation
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Scatter Shot

Chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 15% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Dual Shotguns 24% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Dual Pistols 18% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Auto Shotgun 24% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Burst Pistol 15% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Sniper 60% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Flamethrower 15% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Seagle 30% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Marksman Rifle 30% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Arcane Wand 45% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Cluster Launcher 30% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Blade Launcher 18% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Minigun 9% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Rocket Launcher 60% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Orb Launcher 12% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Crossbow 36% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
Laser Cannons 6% chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Split Shot

Chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 12.5% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Dual Shotguns 20% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Dual Pistols 15% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Auto Shotgun 20% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Burst Pistol 12.5% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Sniper 50% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Flamethrower 12.5% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Seagle 25% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Marksman Rifle 25% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Arcane Wand 37.5% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Cluster Launcher 25% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Blade Launcher 15% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Minigun 7.5% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Rocket Launcher 50% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Orb Launcher 10% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Crossbow 30% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
Laser Cannons 5% chance for shots to split into smaller shots while in the air
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Shots split into 4 shots midair when proc'd
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Chance for shots to deal damage twice

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 15% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Dual Shotguns 24% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Dual Pistols 18% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Auto Shotgun 24% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Burst Pistol 15% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Sniper 60% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Flamethrower 15% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Seagle 30% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Marksman Rifle 30% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Arcane Wand 45% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Cluster Launcher 30% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Blade Launcher 18% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Minigun 9% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Rocket Launcher 60% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Orb Launcher 12% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Crossbow 36% chance for shots to deal damage twice
Laser Cannons 6% chance for shots to deal damage twice
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
X Shot

Chance to fire in an X shot formation

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 10% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Dual Shotguns 16% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Dual Pistols 12% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Auto Shotgun 16% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Burst Pistol 10% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Sniper 40% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Flamethrower 10% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Seagle 20% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Marksman Rifle 20% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Arcane Wand 30% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Cluster Launcher 20% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Blade Launcher 12% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Minigun 6% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Rocket Launcher 40% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Orb Launcher 8% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Crossbow 24% chance to fire in an X shot formation
Laser Cannons 4% chance to fire in an X shot formation
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • X shot formation is 5 bullets, in an X like pattern
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Square Shot

Chance to fire in a square shot formation

Base stats per weapon
Auto Rifle 7.5% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Dual Shotguns 12% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Dual Pistols 9% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Auto Shotgun 12% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Burst Pistol 7.5% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Sniper 30% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Flamethrower 7.5% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Seagle 15% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Marksman Rifle 15% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Arcane Wand 22.5% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Cluster Launcher 15% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Blade Launcher 9% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Minigun 4.5% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Rocket Launcher 30% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Orb Launcher 6% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Crossbow 18% chance to fire in a square shot formation
Laser Cannons 3% chance to fire in a square shot formation
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Square shot formation is a 3x3 of bullets, for a total of 9 bullets
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems