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Chests are rewarded at the end of each island. By default one chest spawns after each island, containing 3 loot choices, from which the player can choose one. The amount of loot choices can varry due to different Perks

There is a higher chance for Weapon Mods, Grenade Mods and Perks the player already runs at lvl 1 or higher of that mod or perk to appear

Chest Types

Critical Chest

Rolls loot from the critical category. At first this only includes Sharpshooter and Hotshot, with a chance for epic and legendary perks as well. Once the player has at least one critical perk in the inventory, the other's such as Crit Arrow appear as well

Damage Chest

Rolls loot from the damage category. The first island of each biome is a Damage Chest by default


Rolls loot from the economy category

Epic Chest

Rolls loot of epic rarity or higher. Appears on perfect Parkour Islands (26 seconds+ remaining), Waves Islands and Elite Islands

Greed Chest

Greed chests contain Greed Perks that can not be dropped from inventory. The Greed Chest only gives a single option, which again can be increased using Big Chests

Health Chest

Rolls loot from the health category (which either heal the player or increase max health). Health chests can also include hearts and bananas

Legendary Chest

Rolls loot of legendary rarity. Only appear on boss islands

Lesser Chest

Lesser Chests can only spawn at random on an island and are not a reward for clearing that island. They only contain 1 loot choice which is completly random. Sometimes these chests can spawn very high up or in a hidden spot so they can be easy to overlook


Rolls loot from the luck category

Random Chest

Rolls random loot out of all the types of loot, with the exception of Greed Perks. Random chests can also include hearts. They can also spawn on some islands naturally, but are hidden or hard to reach

Relic Chest

Rolls loot from the relic category. Relic chests contain 1 less loot choice than most other chests


Rolls loot from the speed category

Spiked Chest

Similar to the Epic Chest, but comes at a cost of 33% of your max health to open

Upgrade Chest

Only includes loot you already carried in your inventory, when starting this island. Upgrade Chests only give 2 options, but can be enlarged using Big Chests


  • If you get an upgrade chest reward without having any upgradable perks in your inventory, opening the chest will yield nothing
  • Chests are sometimes able to spawn on the side of and inside terrain
  • Chests can start to spawn off the side of an island if perks give you enough of them