Grenade Mods

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Grenade Mods serve as one of the four forms of upgrades, along with Weapon Mods, Perks and Relics. They can be obtained from Totems, the Shop and Chests.

Any Grenade mods will work on any abilities, they aren't limited to just grenades!

Here is a list of all Grenade Mods in V2003:


Glue Grenade

Grenades stick to enemies and deal more damage but have a delayed explosion

  • Damage increased by 66% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Pairs well with Aura Grenade. Delay is one second
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Grenades deal more damage but move in random patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Grenades are larger and deal more damage but move more slowly

  • Grenades are 50% larger and deal 50% more damage (+(?) damage) but move 15% more slowly
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Imploding Grenade

Grenades deal more damage but have a smaller explosion radius

  • Grenades deal 50% more damage (+(?) damage) but have a 20% smaller explosion radius
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spiral Grenade

Grenades deal more damage but move in spiral patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Snake Grenade

Grenades deal more damage but move in snakelike patterns

  • Damage increased by 50% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Heavy Grenade

Grenades deal more damage but are heavier

  • Greandes deal 50% more damage (+(?) damage) but are 25% heavier
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Debuff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Grenades deal more damage

  • Damage increased by 150% (+(?) damage)
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Dagger Blast

Grenades explode into clusters of daggers

  • Each dagger deals 100 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Despite what it says, daggers do 100 damage per hit. Each dagger blast launches out 10 daggers
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Firework Explosion

Grenades explode into fireworks

  • Each firework deals 100 damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Bubble Blast

Grenades explode into damaging bubbles

  • Each bubble deals 100 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Three bubbles are spawned with each activation; each bubble deals 50 damage a tick
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Giant Drill

Grenades explode into giant drills

  • Giant drills deal 100 damage over a Duration second period
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Barrel Explosion

Grenades spawn homing explosive barrels when exploding

  • Each barrel deals 100 damage when exploding
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Thorn Explosion

Grenades explode into homing thorns that stick to enemies and deal damage over time

  • Each thorn deals 100 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spark Explosion

Grenades explode into a burst of damaging sparks

  • Each spark deals 100 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Each activation spawns 10-12 sparks that deal 50 damage a tick
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Aura Grenade

Grenades are surrounded by auras that deal constant damage

  • Auras deal 25 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Crystal Barrage

Grenades explode into crystal barrages

  • Crystal barrages deal 100 damage over a Duration second period
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Crystal barrages are spheres that have crystals rain inside them
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Grenades explode into clusters of bombs

  • Each bomb deals 100 damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spore Explosion

Grenades grow explosive mushrooms when exploding

  • Mushrooms deal 100 damage and apply (?) poison stacks when exploding
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Ultra Mushroom

Grenades grow gigantic explosive mushrooms when exploding

  • Mushrooms deal 100 damage when exploding
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 9 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • the Ultra Mushrooms explode into smaller mushrooms
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Energy Ring

Grenades explode into damaging energy rings

  • Energy rings deal 100 damage on each hit
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Note is misleading, it's actually 25 per level damage per tick that the ring is touching the enemy, so it could easily hit one enemy multiple times
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Crystal Strike

Grenades explode into crystal strikes

  • Crystal strikes deal 100 damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Scythe Vortex

Grenades explode into scythe vortexes

  • Scythe vortexes deal 100 damage over a Duration second period
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spike Strike

Grenades explode into spike strikes

  • Spike strikes deal 100 damage
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Spinning Blade

Grenades explode into spinning blades

  • Each blade deals 100 damage per second
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Each activation creates on large, homing saw projectile that does 25 per level damage per second
  • Appears in damage, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Grenades have a larger explosion radius

  • Grenades have a 33% larger explosion radius
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in skill and random chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Gain extra uses of your grenade

  • Gain 1 extra uses of your grenade
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems

Grenades explode into black holes that suck enemies in and destroy their projectiles

  • Black holes have a 50% larger radius
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds
  • Cryptic note...
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Clone Explosion

Grenades spawn more grenades when exploding

  • Grenades spawn 1 more grenades when exploding
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Homing Grenade

Grenades lose speed but home towards enemies

  • Grenades home towards enemies with 50% speed
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in skill, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Triple Grenade

Chance to throw 3 grenades at once

  • 25% chance to throw 3 grenades at once
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Item requires to be unlocked with the key totem to spawn
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Layered Grenade

Chance for grenades to explode twice

  • 25% chance for grenades to explode twice
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Hyperbolic
  • Appears in luck, random, spiked and epic chests, as well as loot, chance, gamble, and random totems


Fire Explosion

Grenades explode into fire damage areas

  • Fire damage areas apply (?) fire stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Fire
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Poison Explosion

Grenades explode into poison damage areas

  • Poison damage areas apply (?) poison stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Poison
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Lightning Explosion

Grenades explode into lightning damage areas

  • Lightning damage areas apply (?) lightning stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Lightning
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems
Ice Explosion

Grenades explode into ice damage areas

  • Ice damage areas apply (?) ice stacks over a Duration second period
  • Tag: Ice
  • Spawn weight: 1.0
  • Buff scaling: Linear
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds
  • Appears in elemental, random, spiked, epic, and legendary chests, as well as gold, loot, chance, gamble, and random totems