Abilities and Melee

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Abilities and melee weapons are the secondary ways of combat in Crab Champions. There are currently (Version 2003) 3 Melee Weapons and 5 Abilities in the game


Unlocking abilities or melee weapons is as simple as interacting with the Key Totem on the Lobby Island. Spending 3 Keys at it will give you a chance to unlock a random meele weapon or ability

Melee Weapons

The only melee weapon unlocked at the start is the Claw


360 degree claw swipe with generous range

  • Deals 30 damage on a hit
  • 1 second cooldown


Fast but limited range

  • Deals 50 damage on a hit (with 10 damage per stack and 5 stacks)
  • 1 second cooldown


Slow but powerful

  • Deals 100 damage on a hit in an AOE blast
  • 5 second cooldown


The only ability unlocked at the start is the Grenade
Note: ABILITIES BETA: Any "Grenade" mods will work on any abilities, they aren't limited to just grenades

Ice Blast

Freezes nearby enemies

  • Deals 30 damage on impact (in 2 initial ticks that each deal 15 damage) and 5 damage per tick
  • 6 second cooldown
  • Generates an ice field deals 50 ice stacks per tick
  • Ice field lasts for 5 seconds

Laser Beam

Fire a powerful piercing laser

  • Deals 30 damage on impact
  • 6 second cooldown
  • Generates a damaging sphere which deals 10 damage per tick
  • Damaging sphere lasts for 6 seconds

Black Hole

Create a powerful black hole

  • Deals 30 damage on impact (in 2 initial ticks that each deal 15 damage) and 3 damage per tick
  • 10 second cooldown
  • Creates a gravitational field which pulls enemies into the center
  • Gravitational field lasts for 3.5 seconds

Grappling Hook

Fire off a grappling hook- good for damaging enemies and for movement!

  • Deals 5 damage per tick (15 ticks)
  • 5 second cooldown
  • On impact the player is pulled towards the point of impact
  • Great for Movement and reaching Lesser Chests, that can sometimes spawn very high up on a map


Goes boom!

  • Deals 75 damage in a radius on impact
  • 5 second cooldown