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A classical sniper rifle with very high damage per shot. Currently (V2003) the weapon with the highest base damage in the game

In-Game Description

High damage but slow firing sniper


The Sniper has to be unlocked. You have a chance of unlocking the Sniper by spending 3 keys at the key totem

Weapon Stats

  • Damage per Projectile: 100
  • Shots per second: 1.1
  • Mag size: 6
Detailed list of weapon stats
Weapon is two clawed: No
Damage (per projectile): 100
Shots per second: 1.1
Mag size: 6
Reload duration: 1.5 second(s)
Chance-based weapon mod chance multiplier: 10.0
Spread: 0.25°
Max Spread:
Spread when aiming: 0.0025
FOV when aiming: 75°
Vertical recoil: 10
Horizontal recoil: (?)
Fire mode: Automatic
Amount of enemies pierced by projectiles: 3
Projectile speed: 100000
Projectile duration: 0.75
Projectile size: (?)
Projectile explosion radius: 50
Crosshair type: Cross

Tips & Combinations

  • Steady Shot is very good on the Sniper since it gives +50% damage (+50 damage) like many of the other rare weapon mods but without a big drawback, since you mostly want to aim with the Sniper
  • Having the highest base damage in the game, Damage Shot becomes necessary for immediate damage buffs as well as Gemstone or Assassin for gaining more and more Global damage as you progress in a run