Laser Cannons

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Two dual wielded fast firing low damage laser cannons

In-Game Description

High tech low recoil lasers


The Laser Cannons have to be unlocked. You have a chance of unlocking the Laser Cannons by spending 3 keys at the key totem

Weapon Stats

  • Damage per Projectile: 2
  • Shots per second: 16
  • Mag size: 50
Detailed list of weapon stats
Weapon is two clawed: Yes
Damage (per projectile): 2
Shots per second: 16
Mag size: 50
Reload duration: 1 second(s)
Chance-based weapon mod chance multiplier: 1.0
Vertical recoil: ?
Horizontal recoil: ?
Fire mode: Automatic
Projectile speed: 100000
Projectile duration: 0.33
Projectile size: 25
Projectile explosion radius: 50
Crosshair type: Circle

Tips & Combinations

  • Getting Sharp Shot a soon as possible is almost a must for any high difficulty runs with the Laser Cannons
  • Laser Cannons have the lowest chance-based mod chance (1.0), which can make chance based mods at level 1 rather underwhelming