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Enemies are the main challenge of Crab Champions, they deal damage to you and are typically fast. Each enemy has a base amount of Health that scales with each successive Island clear, looping, and additional coop player.

Italic names represent enemies that can only naturally spawn when the Evolved Enemies difficulty modifier is active.


Crabs are the most common enemy type. They walk towards the player, occasionally leaping forward to close distance.


The regular form of crab. Low health, uses a weak melee attack. Usually only appears in the Tropical or Volcano biomes, but can spawn from crystal bundles in the Ice biome.

Ice Crab

Regular form of crab only found in the Ice biome. Low health, uses a weak melee attack that applies stacks of Freeze.

Blocker Crab

An uncommon form of crab that reinforces crowds of Crabs or Ice Crabs. Moderate health, uses a melee attack.

Sniper Crab

A powerful crab equipped with a sniper rifle. High health, fires a powerful shot in an arc.

Shotgun Crab

A powerful crab equipped with a shotgun. Moderately armored, High health, fires several tight rings of projectiles at the player.

Grenade Crab

A powerful crab equipped with grenades. High health, throws grenades in an arc that deal splash damage.

Launcher Crab

A powerful crab equipped with a rocket launcher. High health, fires explosive projectiles at the player.

Fire Crab

A flaming crab equipped with an orb launcher. High health, fires fan-shaped waves of bouncing projectiles at the player.

Lightning Crab

A crab imbued with electrical power. Lightly armored, moderate health, fires waves of bouncing projectiles at the player.

Poison Crab

A toxic crab equipped with an auto rifle. Moderately armored, High health, rapidly fires poisonous projectiles at the player.

Laser Crab

A large crab equipped with a laser cannon. Moderately armored, high health. Fires a fan of lasers that each leave damage-over-time zones at the point of impact.

Minigun Crab

A large crab equipped with a minigun. Moderately armored, high health. Rapidly fires projectiles that leave small damage-over-time zones at the point of impact.


Slow moving slugs that sneak up to the player and then explode. Before exploding they charge up indicated by colored spheres. Once the sphere reaches it's maximum radius, the slug explodes, damaging everything inside their explosion radius. When killed they explode instantly, damaging other enemies (as well as the player on Ultra Chaos difficulty). Elemental slugs have a chance to spawn a small group of regular slugs on death.


The most common type of slug. Moderate health, has a small non-elemental explosion.


Large pufferfish that act similarly to slugs. More powerful than their slug counterpart, but not as common.

Ice Slug

A frozen subspecies of slug. Moderate health, has a small Ice-elemental explosion. Leaves behind orbs of ice when moving and on death that apply Freeze to players.

Lightning Slug

Slugs imbued with electric power. Lightly armored, moderate health, has a large Shock-elemental explosion. Death explosion applies Shock. Moves significantly faster than other slugs.

Poison Slug

Slugs imbued with poison. High health, has a large Poison-elemental explosion. Leaves behind poisonous orbs when moving and a large poison orb on death.

Fire Slug

Slugs imbued with flaming power. High health, has a large Fire-elemental explosion, leaves behind a trail of fire when moving.


Large orange grubs, uncommon enemies in all biomes. Comes in several varieties.


The most basic form of grub. Moderately armored, moderate health, slowly moves toward the player, occasionally leaping to close distance. At close range, will jump up and self-destruct to damage the player.

Mini Grub

A smaller version of the basic grub. In contrast to it's larger variant this one is not armored and has low health. It also is a little faster.

Enraged Grub

A large, powerful grub. High health, rapidly fires projectiles at the player.

Chaotic Grub

A large, powerful grub. High health, Can fire rings of projectiles at the player or slam the ground to fire projectiles in all directions.

Homing Grub

A large, powerful grub. High health. Fires several large, slow orbs that home in on nearby players that leave behind large damage-over-time zones at the point of impact..


Ranged attackers that fire waves of projectiles at the player.


The most basic form of ant. Low health, low damage. Can appear in any biome.

Fire Ant

A flaming ant. Fires an arc of explosive skulls at the player's location, or charge up to fire an arc of flame that deals no direct damage, but applies a considerable amount of Fire stacks.

Lightning Ant

An electrical ant that fires fans of explosive crystals at the player. Can charge up to fire a cluster of projectiles that bounce along the ground.

Ice Ant

A subspecies of ant that can freeze a player. Only spawns in the Ice biome.

Poison Ant

A toxic ant. Can fire two poisonous thorns straight at a player, or focus a laser to fire after a short charge period.


Floating ranged attackers that spawn with a bone-chilling laugh.


Most basic form of skull. Lightly armored, Moderate health, Fires a fan of projectiles.

Blocker Skull

A red skull that flies lower to the ground. Moderate health, fires five projectiles in an X shape. Moves significantly faster than other skulls.

Fire Skull

A powerful skull imbued with flaming power. High health, wildly fires explosive projectiles that leave behind patches of fire.

Ice Skull

A powerful skull imbued with ice power. High health, Fires clusters of crystals that apply Freeze on hit.

Poison Skull

A powerful skull imbued with poisonous power. High health, fires fans of either explosive shots or slow moving waves.

Lightning Skull

A powerful skull imbued with electrical power. High health, fires fans of explosive crystals.

Laser Skull

A powerful skull that charges up a straight laser, that deals lots of damage once shot. The charge up process can be stopped by breaking the line of sight.


A haunted pumpkin that fires 4 pumpkin projectiles in a square pattern. Chance to spawn several Mini Pumpkins on death.

Ice Pumpkin

A frozen haunted pumpkin that makes its home in the Ice Biome. High health, charges up to deal massive damage in a large area around itself.

Fire Pumpkin

A flaming hot haunted pumpkin. High health, floods the battlefield with damaging fire patches.

Other Enemies


Starfish are very slow, almost stationary on ground, but can launch themselves into the air and then slam back down aiming for the player.


Tanky enemies that can hide under their shell, making them immune to any damage for the time being. When lifting the shell, they launch a bunch of projectiles at the player.


High health enemies that shoot clusters of arrows and that can create damaging zones on its location.


Average health enemies that fire projectiles that create damaging energy rings upon hitting a surface. Will spawn when breaking gold Hornet shaped crystals in the [Desert Biome]