Destructible Rocks

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Destructible Rocks are rocks that can be found on islands. They are destroyed by dealing enough gun or melee damage to them.
When you deal damage to a rock, a leaking animation will play. This will deal damage over time to the rock. Most of the time this will destroy the rock after a given time, but if not enough damage has been dealt to the rock, the leak will eventually stop

Elemental Rocks

Elemental rocks, when destroyed, create an explosion of their corresponding element and shoot off small clusters that do the same. These explosions inflict stacks of the element over time

Fire Rock

Fire rocks create fire areas that burn anything that walks through them. They can be found in any biome. They are orange-red in color

Ice Rock

Ice rocks create ice areas that freezes anything that walks through them. They can only be found in the ice biome. They are light-blue in color

Lightning Rock

Lightning rocks create lightning areas that shock anything that walks through them. They can be found in the ice or fire biomes. They are purple in color

Crystal Rocks

Crystal rocks, when destroyed give the player an amount of crystals. The larger the rock, the more crystals it gives. They are jagged and shaped differently than other rocks

Crystal Rock

The most common type of crystal rock. Purple in color and vary in size


Can be summoned by the Crystal Asteroids perk. Asteroids are smooth looking stones that drop items when destroyed. Will not drop anything after clearing an Island

Loot Rock

These appear similar to crystal rocks but are blackish-red in color. When broken, instead of giving crystals, they will drop and item and summon 3 special enemies. In coop, there will be a perk or mod dropped for each player. Will not drop anything after clearing an Island

Melee Crystals

These only appear in the lobby island and on parkour islands. They function the same as crystal rocks, but can only be damaged by melee attacks and look like Asteroids. They appear as smaller crystal shards of various colors

Other Rocks

All rocks in this category have a non-elemental effect that is created upon destroying the rock

Energy Ring Rock

When destroyed, it creates an energy ring that spreads out and deals damage to everything that it touches. They are deep red in color and can be found in any biome

Healing Rock

When destroyed, it creates healing areas that will heal the player while they are inside it. They are green in color and can be found in any biome. Starts by healing about 50 HP per area, increasing by 20% per island

Max Health Rock

When destroyed, it creates golden zones that increase the maximum health of the player while they are inside it. Base increases is 1HP per tick, increasing by 20% per island

Black Hole Rock

When destroyed, creates a large black hole area that sucks in enemies and projectiles. If you have the Black Hole grenade mod, the black holes created by the rocks will be 25% larger per stack. They are lavender in color and can only be found in the fire biome