Island Modifiers

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Island Modifiers are modifiers that apply to regular Islands. These modifiers are sectioned into two categories: Challenge Modifiers and Blessings. Challenge Modifiers serve to make the island more difficult, but as a reward, an additional chest is given. Blessings on the other hand provide an optional challenge that if completed will reward an additional chest. There are currently 7 challenge modifiers and 1 blessing in the game

Challenge Modifiers

Challenge modifiers only appear on Arena Islands as of right now


If an enemy or the player takes damage, they will die, unless they have armor. If they have armor, 1 plate of armor will be destroyed instead

Energy Rings

When enemies die, they spawn energy rings that spread out and damage the player. These are the same rings that spawn from Energy Ring Rocks, however they only deal damage to the player


When enemies die, they spawn projectiles in a ring shape around themselves that launch outwards. These projectiles bounce similarly to Lightning Crab projectiles, however they also apply the Element of the enemy killed and appear as the color of that element

Spike Strikes

When enemies die, they spawn spikes that pop up from the ground around them in a small AOE. These spikes do damage to the player

Elemental Explosions

When enemies die, they create explosions of varying sizes and Elements. The element of the explosion has no correlation with the element of the enemy and is completely random

Mirrored Projectiles

When enemies are shot by the player, a projectile is shot back at the player. This projectile will apply the Element of the enemy

Homing Thorns

When enemies die, they create a slow-moving homing projectiles that seek out the player that killed them

Homing Barrels

Enemies spawn homing barrels on death

Barrel Rain

Exploding barrels keep raining down


Triple the normal amount of enemies spawn

Explosive Enemies

Only explosive enemies spawn, but the player is not anymore immune to explosions caused by killing enemies


Blessings only appear on Horde or Demolition Islands as of right now


If the player clears the island without taking damage, the player will receive an additional chest


If the player manages to get a minimum of x kills, the player will receive an additional chest. The number of kills needed scales with each island in a biome from 40 on island 2 to 160 on island 8