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As of now (V1956) there are 69 Achievements in Crab Champions each unlocking a Skin.


Main Game Achievements

Flex I

Defeat an elite without taking any damage.

Flex II

Defeat a boss without taking any damage.

Flex III

Clear the first biome on Nightmare difficulty without taking any damage.


Get a win on normal difficulty without taking any damage.

Crab Champion I

Get a win on any difficulty.

Crab Champion II

Get a win on Nightmare difficulty.

Crab Champion III

Get 5 wins total on Nightmare difficulty.

Speedrun I

Clear island 20 in 16 minutes or less.

Speedrun II

Clear island 50 in 40 minutes or less.

Speedrun III

Clear island 100 in 70 minutes or less.

Challenger I

Get a win on any difficulty with 5 or more difficulty modifiers active.

Challenger II

Get a win on any difficulty with all difficulty modifiers active.

Challenger III

Get a win on Nightmare difficulty with all difficulty modifiers active.


Get a win after looping at least once.


Defealt a boss in under 10 seconds.

Ultra Damage

Deal over 100K damage in a single shot.

Big Spender

Make 100 purchases at shops in a single run.


Get 10000 max health on a single run.


Get a win with over 1M unspent crystals in your inventory.


Survive until island 100.


Get 3 wins in a row on any difficulty.

Playing With Power

Level up a mod or perk to level 20 in a single run.


Reroill shops 50 times in a single run.

Maxed Out

Fill all mod and perk slots in your inventory during a single run.


Destroy 25 totems in a single run.


Get 2 wins in a row on Nightmare difficulty.


Salvage 100 pickups in a single run.


Defeat a boss with at least 5 greed perks in your inventory.


Get a win with over 7500 eliminations.

Slice And Dice

Get a win without firing your weapon.


Get a win on Normal difficulty with 5 or less shop purchases.


Get 5 wins in a row on Nightmare difficulty.

Solid Gold

Fill 20 weapon mod slots with legendary weapon mods.

Crab Legend

Complete all challenges.

Weapon Achievements

Weapon Master Achievements I

Get a win with the weapon on any difficulty.

Weapon Master Achievements II

Get a win with the weapon on Nightmare difficulty.


Get a win with all weapons in the game.

Minigame Achievements

Arcade Champion

Get a high score of at least 300 in the Arcade minigame.

Holdout Champion

Get a high score of at least 50 in the Holdout minigame.

Common Issues With Achievements

Make sure to disable Steam's family mode and going online on Steam.